Vi tilbyder 60 dages gratis returret og gratis levering på køb over 399 kr.
Matcha-sæt med 30g økologisk matcha, Matchaskål med hældetud, bambuspiskeris, piskerisholder og måleske – perfekt til japansk teceremoni.
Matcha-sæt med alt nødvendigt til matcha-tilberedning, inklusive bambuspiskeris og skål – ved siden af en skummende, cremet matcha latte.
Bambuspiskeris og Matchaskål fra Matchasæt med alt tilbehør. Friskpisket matcha-te – skumrig og cremet konsistens.
Japansk matcha-sæt med bambuspiskeris og skål, perfekt til at lave en cremet matcha latte.
Matchende Matchaskål og bambusholder i rustikt design
Rustik Matchaholder til dit bambuspiskeris
Rustik Matchaskål med praktisk hældetud der indeholder smuk, cremet Matcha te

Matcha sæt inkl. rustik skål med hældetud (30g Matcha og al tilbehør)

Regular price648,00 kr
Tax included.
  • Free delivery on purchases over DKK 399.
  • In stock, ready to ship

Dette sæt indeholder alt, du skal bruge for at lave den perfekte Matcha te eller  Matcha latte ✨🍵

Nyd følelsen af luksus med:

🍃 30g økologisk Ceremoniel Grade Matcha af højeste kvalitet fra Japan. En blanding uden bitterhed, men med en cremet, rund nøddesmag. Med sin fine struktur og friske grønne farve er denne Matcha perfekt til både drikke og madlavning.

🍃 Bambuspiskeris og Matcha-ske, der hjælper dig med at måle den perfekte mængde Matchapulver og skabe den perfekte skummede te.

🍃 Matcha skål eller Matcha "chawan" i rustik keramik. Skålen har den rette størrelse til at tilberede din Matcha og hældetuden gør det nemt at overføre teen til en kop. 

🍃 Keramikholder til dit bambuspiskeris i samme design som skålen. Holderen sørger for at du kan opbevare dit bambuspiskeris bedst muligt. Keramikholderen sørger for at dit bambuspiskeris holder sin form og tørrer korrekt og kan derfor forlænge levetiden af dit piskeris.

Vores Ceremonial Grade Matcha er dyrket med omhu i Japan og udvalgt til at give dig den mest autentiske smagsoplevelse.

Certificeringer af Matcha fra Matchacha

The price of shipping is DKK 29 to GLS Parcel Shop or DAO Parcel Shop/home delivery. Free shipping on purchases over DKK 399.

GLS/DAO package shop: 1-3 day delivery.

DAO home delivery: 2-4 day delivery.

Matcha has an intense flavor that is often described as vegetal, earthy and slightly sweet. Some people compare the taste of Matcha to spinach or steamed broccoli, but with a sweetness that balances the bitterness.

The taste of Matcha can vary depending on the quality of the tea leaves and how it is prepared. Poorer quality matcha can often taste bitter and have an aftertaste of 'hay'. It is therefore important to choose a high quality Matcha and go for what is called 'Ceremonial Grade Matcha' for the best taste and quality. Our Matcha is always Ceremonial Grade.

Due to its powder form, Matcha is incredibly versatile, and you can therefore both drink and eat the green superfood.

You can enjoy the tea as a traditional matcha tea with only matcha powder and hot water, or as a matcha latte with added milk. These are the most common ways to enjoy Matcha, but you can also use the green powder in smoothies, snacks, desserts and even main dishes. You can be inspired by our matcha recipes here

Matcha differs from other teas in several ways. First, Matcha is made from specially grown tea leaves that grow in the shade, which increases their chlorophyll content and makes them more nutritious.

Secondly, the tea leaves are ground into a fine powder which is mixed with hot water. This means that you consume the whole tea leaf when you drink Matcha, instead of just the extracted water. This provides a higher concentration of nutrients.

How much matcha powder you need for a cup depends on your personal taste and preferences. In general, we recommend using about 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of matcha powder per cup.

You can start with the lower dose and then add more if you want a stronger tea. It is a good idea to start with a small amount of Matcha and increase the amount until you find the perfect amount for your taste.

To store your Matcha as well as possible, you should follow these tips:

  • Store Matcha in an airtight container with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Avoid storing Matcha in direct sunlight or near a heat source, as this can damage the tea leaves and change the taste.
  • Store Matcha in a cool, dark place, such as a drawer or cabinet.
  • Use Matcha within 12 months of opening to ensure it still has the best taste and quality.

If you store your Matcha in this way, it will retain all the nutrients and its good taste.

That's what our customers say

Trustpilot anmeldelse fra Sahra

The tea is the best I have found for the price on the Danish market. In addition, there is fast delivery and I am happy to support a smaller retailer who also loves matcha.

Trustpilot anmeldelse fra Therese

I can highly recommend Matchacha, which delivers a really delicious matcha tea. The inspiring videos on Matchacha's Instagram got me started on making the tea and have given me ideas for what else I can use matcha for. It was not many months ago that I tasted matcha for the first time, and I am still surprised by how delicious a drink it is that leaves the body in balance.

Trustpilot anmeldelse fra Ida

Had few and less good experiences with matcha before buying from the website here. Have subsequently become very happy with the green drink, and the taste is really top notch for the price of this product. The purchase and delivery were completely problem-free, and I will definitely return when the warehouse is empty.

Why matcha?

... Because it has been used by Zen Buddhist monks for 800 years to promote calmness and mental clarity.
...Because it provides a natural and sustainable energy boost.
... Because it is packed with antioxidants.
... Because it tastes great!

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